(07) 5541 1422

Prescriptions & Test Results


Usually when longterm medicine is running low, it’s time for a checkup. The best time to book is when you fill your last repeat script. That way you have plenty of choices about when to be seen.

Sometimes it is OK to get a script without a checkup appointment; especially if you have been in recently for the same condition.

You can phone us and ask: always call at least 2 days before your medicine runs out, a week is best.

During the summer storm and flood season, it’s a good idea to keep at least a fortnight worth of medicines ‘spare’ at home, in case you’re cut off from easy access to doctor or pharmacy.

Test Results

When your doctor arranges any tests or investigations, they will make a follow-up plan which you must agree to follow, for your own health and safety.

Usually, you will have an appointment to check up on how you are going, look at your results, and plan the next steps.
If the plan is for you to phone us, make sure you do.

“No news” is not the same as “good news”. Calling BMC is the best way to make sure your results have returned and have been seen by your doctor.

Beaudesert Medical Centre is recognised as a teaching practice for students under the University of Queensland, Griffith University, and the John Flynn Placement Program.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, aged care and home visits where appropriate.

Beaudesert Medical Centre provides post-graduate training for The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine through General Practice Training Queensland.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, aged care and home visits where appropriate.