(07) 5541 1422

Come and See Us

Phone us Monday to Saturday after 8:00 am on 07 5541 1422 to make a booking.
We’re open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm, 6:00pm on Wednesdays.
On Saturday we open from 8:00am to about midday.
In the evening, night and weekends My Dr2U takes after-hours calls for us on 1800 888 633.

Online bookings

A range of appointments will soon be available for online booking.
In the meantime, please give us a call on 07 5541 1422

Prepare for your appointment

It’s important to book enough time. Our standard booking is 15 minutes and is enough to deal thoroughly with most single problems.

If you are having chest pain or severe difficulty breathing you should call 000 for an ambulance to take you directly to the nearest hospital.

If you anticipate spending longer with the Doctor, such as with a complex problem or a number of problems, please advise the receptionist when making the appointment.

We will gladly schedule the extra time needed. This includes requests for a “full physical”, driving, diving or insurance examinations, and new patients to the practice, especially if you have ongoing medical problems.

If you have a list of separate issues, have a look at your list and try to estimate how much time you will need for each problem; if in doubt, call reception for advice. We do make a number of longer appointments available if you are flexible about times, and you should book on 07 5541 1422 several days in advance. Longer appointments must be booked in person or by phone.

Some appointments need to be booked with our nurse as well, such as drivers’ license medical exams, pre-employment checks, 4-year old pre-school checks and minor operations. Please phone 07 5541 1422 to book these.

Mental health issues usually need a longer booking. Travel medicine advice always needs a longer booking.

What to bring

If you’re not sure whether to bring hospital paperwork, x-ray pictures or scans, other documents or test results BRING THEM ANYWAY.

If you have forms from Centrelink, Health Insurance, pre-employment medical forms or whatever, then bring them too.

If you are new to BMC, a list of ALL your medicines (not just the ones you need today) and copies of any GP Management Plans from your previous GP are really useful. At the very least, bring the name and address of your previous GP and any consultants you see.

Always ‘check in’

When you arrive, come and see our reception staff to “check in” by name. That way, your doctor will see on their screen that you have arrived.

If you are having chest pain, difficulty breathing, or any other severe symptom such as fever, nausea or vomiting, please let us know as soon as you arrive.

Changing a booking

Sometimes things change and you need to move a booking to a later date or time. Please call 07 5541 1422 as soon as possible to reschedule.

Opening Hours

Monday 8am 5pm
Tuesday 8am 5pm
Wednesday 8am 5pm
Thursday 8am 5pm
Friday 8am 5pm
Saturday 8am 11am
Sunday and Public Holidays Call My Dr2U 1800 888 633 or
13HEALTH (13 432 584) for advice

Beaudesert Medical Centre is recognised as a teaching practice for students under the University of Queensland, Griffith University, and the John Flynn Placement Program.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, aged care and home visits where appropriate.

Beaudesert Medical Centre provides post-graduate training for The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine through General Practice Training Queensland.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, aged care and home visits where appropriate.