(07) 5541 1422


Severe chest pain? Hard to breathe? Heavy bleeding? Seizure/fits?
Don’t mess about or wait until tomorrow: Call an ambulance on 000.


If you need advice, or if you are unsure, please call 13 HEALTH (13 432 584)
https://www.health.qld.gov.au/13health/ . If 13 HEALTH recommends that you need to see a doctor right away, please attend Beaudesert Hospital at Tina Street, Beaudesert

Mental Health Emergencies

For mental health emergencies, call 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 22 55)


You can call an ambulance in an emergency on 000.
For less urgent calls, 13 12 33 connects to the ambulance control room.

Call Us

During business hours call us on 07 5541 1422 and we’ll try to fit you in. We can usually accommodate cuts and scrapes, sprains and strains, suspected fractures and work injuries. If we think you might be critically ill we WILL advise you to dial 000 for an ambulance or in some cases, to go directly to the nearest hospital.


Beaudesert Hospital is a level III district hospital with a fully-equipped emergency care centre which provides expert first-line management for everything from snakebite to broken bones and heart attacks. After emergency care has been provided, you may be able to go home and follow-up here at BMC or in some cases need to be transferred to a tertiary hospital in Logan, Brisbane or the Gold Coast. https://metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/beaudesert-hospital

You can call on 07 5541 9111 but in most cases, they will ask you to come in to be assessed. After hours, calls may divert to 13HEALTH, the Queensland Government medical advice line staffed 24 hours per day.

Emergency+ App

The official Emergency+ app helps you find your address and GPS location if you’re in an unfamiliar area and shows which numbers to call for different types of emergency.

Download from the App Store, Google Play or the Windows Phone Store to your phone today!


Beaudesert Medical Centre is recognised as a teaching practice for students under the University of Queensland, Griffith University, and the John Flynn Placement Program.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, aged care and home visits where appropriate.

Beaudesert Medical Centre provides post-graduate training for The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine through General Practice Training Queensland.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, aged care and home visits where appropriate.