(07) 5541 1422

About Us

We provide a “one-stop shop” for your health. We have seen many doctors and nurses through our rooms but we still believe in good old-fashioned longterm care for you and your family.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, nursing home and home visits where appropriate. Our patients are at the centre of everything we do. We focus on a quality service that is comprehensive and our doctors and nurses will take the time to get to know you as a person, not a number or a disease.


Beaudesert Medical Centre was established on our present site in the mid-1970s, in a distinctive building that provides a “one-stop shop” for your health.

We have seen many doctors and nurses through our rooms but we still believe in good old-fashioned longterm care for you and your family. We have always engaged with our community, especially the clubs, kindy’s, schools that Beaudesert has to offer.

We also keep close working relationships with other health professionals and the local hospital. Our distinctive building was extended in 2009 to make more space for us and other longterm providers in our “one-stop shop” including pharmacy, pathology, optometry and dentist.

Also at the Medical Centre


Right alongside your doctors: your pharmacy for prescription medicines and all your other supplies. Phone 5541 2019


Wagner Dental Surgery is now entered from Albert Street. Phone 5541 2296


Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology provides collections at the Medical Centre and, in certain cases, at home or Aged Care facilities. They’re open from early mornings Monday-Saturday. Some tests require appointments. Phone 5541 1553, or visit https://www.snp.com.au/our-locations/BR191/Beaudesert


Scenic Rim Optometrists is proud to be a local business independently owned and operated since 1977.


Severe chest pain? Hard to breathe? Heavy bleeding? Seizure/fits?
Don’t mess about or wait: Call an ambulance on 000.
If you need advice, or if you are unsure, please call
13 HEALTH (13 432 584)

After Hours?

During business hours call us on 5541 1422.
If you need advice, or if you are unsure, please call 13 HEALTH (13 432 584) www.health.qld.gov.au/13health/. If 13 HEALTH recommends that you need to see a doctor right away, please attend Beaudesert Hospital at Tina Street, Beaudesert.

Beaudesert Medical Centre is recognised as a teaching practice for students under the University of Queensland, Griffith University, and the John Flynn Placement Program.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, aged care and home visits where appropriate.

Beaudesert Medical Centre provides post-graduate training for The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine through General Practice Training Queensland.

The Doctors and staff of The Beaudesert Medical Centre aim to provide a traditional family general practitioner service, including hospital, aged care and home visits where appropriate.